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【阿波羅新聞網 2015-08-30 訊】

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當心! 最容易淪為小三的10種情況

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★ 一個字秒殺好幾個字?「強而有力」的25個高頻率英語「動詞」★

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京港台:2014-4-9 03:07 | 來源:網路社區

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撰文者: 世界公民文化中心 2014-12-15

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演藝圈結婚潮! 最夯明星夫妻就是「他們」

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作者 midnightwolf (靈犬闖江湖)

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民報民報 – 2014年12月27日 下午5:01

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at / in / on是表示時間的介系詞

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聯合新聞網作者: 記者林秀姿、張錦弘、沈育如、陳智華、馮靖惠、薛荷玉 | 聯合新聞網 – 2014年12月19日 上午3:21

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鈹銅(Beryllium copper)


Beryllium copper (BeCu), also known as copper beryllium, beryllium bronze and spring copper, is a copper alloy with 0.5—3% beryllium and sometimes with other alloying elements. Beryllium copper combines high strength with non-magnetic and non-sparking qualities. It has excellent metalworking, forming and machining qualities. It has many specialized applications in tools for hazardous environments, musical instruments, precision measurement devices, bullets, and aerospace. Beryllium-containing alloys create an inhalation hazard during manufacturing due to their toxic properties.

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