

2014/10/01 The Timer’s Script

Toastmaster of the evening, fellow members, and most welcome guests:

I'm Eric. I'm glad to be the timer tonight. To have an efficient meeting, we must control both the duration of speaker’s time and also the time of each session.

The timer has the authority to shorten sessions, including table topics and variety sessions, to ensure the meeting ends on time.

I have three cards. Please pay attention to the cards. Throughout the meeting, I will signal each program participant, including the TME and Session Master, when they have reached the allotted times.

The green card means you have completed the minimum time requirement.

The yellow card means you are coming close to the end of your time requirement.

The red one means your time is up.

All speakers have 30 seconds leeway.

If you are overtime, you will be disqualified. You must stop and leave the podium immediately.

Toastmaster of the Evening!

    創作者 Jinan20130830 的頭像

    Tangerine John

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